22 Ocak 2012 Pazar
New Media (New media, New tools, New channels), be created or can not be used without the processing power of computers is called the media. Generally, users or target audience is digital, provides a chance to interact. Arguably be considered as a new media environments, the following are often included in this term:
Computer GamesVirtual Reality Enviroments
Multimedia (multi-media, audio, video, interactive platforms, animation, text, etc.), such as CD-ROMs.
Web sites (blogs, wikis, including)
Electronic Kiosks
Interactive Television
Mobile Media
Hypertext Literature Blog
Virtual Reality, giving participants a sense of being real, mutual communication with an environment that enables the dynamic created by computers, a three-dimensional simulation model. This clutch is designedsystems and detection significantly increase our strength. So far, the world of entertainment, so many applications in medicine and scientific experiments alanıbulmuştur complex. Per job and formal training in all areas to be a serious competitor to traditional learning tools reveal new opportunities are emerging, andindispensable. In the meantime, a number of virtual reality in itself brings problems. Virtual worlds, real-timeinteractive control, or to reflect changes in supply and the object for a rapidly appear lifelike. For this reason, a significant disadvantage in terms of VR systems in common use have to be expensive. Therefore, more and more applications, especially games and had an opportunity to the world of entertainment. Virtual prototypesare more economical for the realities of today have the opportunity to use more and more. Simulation modelsare supported virtual prototyping, engineering analysis, to a much more effective would recognize.
Computer and video games that have already entered our homes, Virtual Reality (VR), opens new horizons insolving engineering problems we are engineers. A quarter-century ago, just may be the subject of science fiction films, international understanding, we designed the current understanding and detection systemssignificantly increase our strength. Virtual reality, as an experience rather than a technology, cyber-spaceimages of the mutual and interactive communication. So far, the world of entertainment, in the medical field ascomplex scientific Experiments, has found many applications, a very large area. Thurs job and formal training in all areas to be a serious competitor to traditional learning tools to reveal new opportunities are emerging, andindispensable.
VR, giving participants a sense of being real, mutual communication with an environment that enables the dynamic created by computers, a simulation model. Definition, there are many applications SG'den featurethat separates the main three (Pimentel and Teixeira, 1993). The first of these, perhaps, is that first of all the participants a sense of being real. The user is created in this environment anywhere gidebilmeli computers, ie,the control must feel that their own hands. This, however, the mutual interaction can be achieved. Applications of VR, VR glasses should include at minimum levels. Thus, as the interactive user is looking to determine the point and the destination. Position the viewer through the combination of a number of instruments, computer generated environments, such glasses are likely to walk. Sense of sight, of course, relocating the objects inthe virtual environment, touch, feel, and physical properties of the sense of hearing be extended to the surrounding sounds. Of course, these possibilities, the so-called DataGloves special gloves, and othertechnological tools raises the concept of three-dimensional sound (Sui et al., 2001). Of course, the aforementioned unrealistic environments, should be noted that computer-generated worlds.
A VR system, powerful computers are needed in order to move in real time. Here, computers, a video creative(Reality Engine) will act as. Three-dimensional geometry of objects, and so far the data base, allowing you toreach the sensory detection instruments and equipment to coordinate all of the aforementioned programs will run the application.
Of course, the video games and entertainment, virtual reality has been the first application it finds areas. Many different elements of science fiction film, virtual reality technology has assumed an important role.Today, America and Japan was established on the basis of virtual reality technology, game arcades (Video Arcades) are available. In addition to these virtual sex aroused considerable interest in applications that promise significant commercial success, and have also been observed (Wodaski, 1993). 'London Cyberspace', which is based in London and is a computer aided VR system based on common characteristics of different breeds to bring together the work serves as a matchmaking service. Tourist purposes have been observed in the use of virtual reality. "Canadian Rockies" in the computer model by creating a virtual space where two people at the same time to live an experience like this has been changing. Destroyed after the French revolution in France's Burgundy 'The abbey of Cluncy', archival records on the computer has been rebuilt with the help of VR. VR through the floors of this building dolaşabilmekte those who want to, or watch the walls of even the finest details. How important is obvious that the planned construction. Considering the table, especially in our country posed by unplanned construction of the virtual reality would be a mistake to take advantage of the opportunities offered in the field of modern urbanization. Used for the virtual reality of a modern construction project, which is one of China's oldest residential areas of Beijing-based application developed for the purpose of this VR, city planners in the design of urban infrastructure in a virtual environment, and allows three-dimensional modeling as a pilot area in the city was chosen because sağlamaktır.Pekin is to be a modern city with a görümüne social, environmental and planning aspects in mind is to feel a need for a study.Be applied to any residential unit, one of the most important features of the project.
3.1. Virtual Reality Applications in the Field of Education
Virtual reality, can make important contributions to the learning process. For example, ski-related accidents, serious without being exposed to the users of such a system was developed provided a real deneyimelde their. Formal education systems are also many benefits of virtual reality to cry. Especially in mathematics, science, medicine, education, military and aerospace use, in terms of the quality of education is extremely important. Thanks VR, students learn faster and better, not just the scientific facts, but also can be achieved by trying to acquire real experience. A virtual reality based simulation program, realistic experiments / applications in a virtualThere are also many other benefits as well as to produce a solution. For example, in a virtual reality lab, physics experiment, the results of different test environments, and can measure easily yaratabilmekte. In addition, dangerous, costly and complex experiments seamlessly in a virtual reality system can be realized.VR in Figure 2, students' AC / DC power generators, working principles of the simulation provides opportunity to learn. Students change the value of the magnetic field direction and the voltage-meter using a virtual voltajıölçebilmektedir. With these features, virtual reality, the most powerful experimental tools for science experiments science is capable of being one. Another application developed in recent years, the VR in this area, which was developed for students of Indian Hills Community College application of a simulation. The application of three-dimensional modeling of the fermentation process in a virtual environment and bio-chemical processes, provides the ability to watch how gerçekleştiklerinin. Thus, the students, the course is provided to increase participation and learning performance. Medical and surgical applications, virtual reality is one area where more and more interest. Knowledge and experience of experts, in order to take advantage of many more people in less developed regions of the settlement of England in the town of Ipswich was uzaktantedavi program. VR, where the three-dimensional images of body tissues "remote sensor" s helped to carry through. Some applications have also been used as a means of therapy in VR. With the help of VR technology konuşturulan cartoon typecasting, interactive and participatory, providing a structure, has helped to establish a direct dialogue with patients. VR used in medical education, students are able to perform virtual experiments has provided numerous on a cadaver. In addition, doctors vital operations, experience in a virtual environment prior to the treatment process, better understand the effects of the patient.
3.2. Virtual Reality Applications in the Field of E-Commerce
Electronic commerce sites, SG techniques can use as a marketing tool. Television channels broadcast via the Internet, this kind of electronic markets and can provide service to customers 24 hours a day.VR technology, the web portals in recent years has started to spread. Superonline in Turkey which is one of our web portalsare working on a similar set up a system of sensors with glasses and a more realistic virtual environment,users and the system that allows you to make an enjoyable time surfing the widespread use of electronicvirtual market, applications are expected. Of course, the most decisive factors here, internet connection speed,quality and costs of computer systems suitable for use in VR. This is why today's Internet-based applications,the use of VR systems, is not as common as the gaming industry. Developed by VR , Superonline-basede-shopping site, but many electronic devices in the field of applications only use the computer in question.Japan communications ministry, industry and universities jointly conducted a project in 2020, VR televisionproduction due to be passed planlamaktadır.VR-TV viewers and three-dimensional images of the same qualityevery point of view, it will be possible to follow. In addition, viewers are watching, feel and smellalgılayabilecektir objects. The Japanese government believes that this project will contribute to the development of technology in Japan. Using these features, the home-shopping programs, viewers see and feel make products from different angles.
3.3. Virtual Reality Applications in Manufacturing
Mentioned earlier as well as general-purpose applications of virtual reality are also found in many industrialapplications. The fast-growing global competition, allowing you to establish better communication with customers and new approaches that can respond more quickly to their needs, it is attractive. More importantly, today everyone's speed, quality, agility, and customer satisfaction is talking about a period, the VR can be used in manufacturing processes is an important potential for re-shaping. Design, the first stage ofproduction. People are thought to be highly dependent on improvements to be made in this process, will positively affect all stages of manufacturing. Which is one of the world's leading manufacturers of heavy-dutymachines, Caterpillar Inc.., Peoria, IL., Design review, which is time consuming and expensive real prototypes,virtual prototypes has chosen instead. This choice, price and time-based competition in the shortest time to market new products and contributed to bring the most affordable prices. Caterpillar, which is important in terms of efficacy and safety for the design of virtual prototypes to açılarınıkontrol viewing areas and uses. The most significant challenge faced in this process, components used in the design of the transfer of computer files on a system has been based VR.
Boeing Computer Systems Inc.., The internal design of the Boeing 777 POSITION VR carried out by usingtechnology. In addition, placement of the boards and cables to connect the different stages of the manufacturing process of a virtual team benefited from the patterns. This virtual templates used by the employees directly transferred to the VR's glasses. The most important problem encountered in the user'shead movements and monitor the transfer rates were so high accuracy over long distances. Virtual prototyping,production practices are the most basic ,VR (Reimer, 1994). Here, lean manufacturing, agile manufacturing,concurrent engineering, simulation-based-design-to-date concepts such as virtual prototypes, played an important role in the expectations that will provide great benefit. Lean manufacturing, value-addedmanufacturing system does not generate all the procedures for removing a name given to the applications. VR,at least in virtual prototypes of the new approach to the design options serves this purpose. Agilemanufacturing is by accepting the time-based competition, the amount of time until the küçüklemeyi targetsare submitted to market the product design. This issue also undeniable contribution to virtual reality. Concurrent engineering for the VR, farklıeşzamanlı engineering teams work together in bringing them to provide three-dimensional virtual environment. This is to overcome the difficulties in communication between the teams, will be very helpful in providing co-ordination and co-ordination. Teams will be informed about each other's activitiesat the time, made to solve the problems that will come right out.
Remote presence (telepresence), remote-controlled cameras and microphones through the user transferring to another medium, himself feels that there is a VR technique. Through this method, nuclear power plants andfactories producing chemical products, people and dangerous places in terms of available robots. VR throughthe remote entity, and forwarded to the control of robots easier to help. Also under this heading are projectsaimed at the discovery of new planets can be evaluated. Ergonomic and human-machine-environmentcompatibility tests to VR opens new horizons. For this purpose, for example, the front panel design for a car,the driver's use of a virtual prototype is presented directly to them, ease of use, range of comments, views can be taken on issues such as outreach locations. Also requires training of personnel to use these emerging technologies. However, difficulties in supply of qualified personnel, time allocated to learn the use of expensiveequipment, is important in determining the application areas of VR applications that may be subject. Repair and maintenance of complex processes can be performed successfully using the VR methods. Teams sent into space to repair vehicles, these technologies are being trained through the earth. VR Above all, the newengineering ideas and concepts to others is a very efficient tool to transfer the three-dimensional. In this sense,drawn in two dimensions, technical drawings, or even three-dimensional models adds an important dimension.
Virtual worlds, real-time interactive control, or to reflect changes in supply and the object for a rapidly appearlifelike. All the technologies mentioned above exist, but for today must overcome some deficiencies in thetechnological sense. Not yet widely used in computers are not strong enough to handle real-time three-dimensional images of the complex. Monitoring and tracking human motion transmitting devices to computersto better coordinate the interaction of virtual worlds must. Otherwise, the delay of the user viewing the movements of the human metabolism lead to unwanted problems. Long-term use of these systems in humanscauses dizziness and nausea. VR systems are expensive and frequently expressed a disadvantage.Therefore, more and more applications, especially games and had an opportunity to the world of entertainment.
Virtual prototypes, with high costs to have the opportunity to use more and more to the realities. Virtualprototypes, engineering analysis, simulation models will allow a more effective support. Human factors andergonomic studies of the performance takes place more easily, the simulation models may be analyzed.Assembly, production and maintenance activities, virtual simulations will appear in many of the problem easier.For this purpose, on-site trainings, VR-based approaches can be supported. Finally, concurrent engineering, more and more interesting as a tool for coordination and communication between teams, VR applications are expected to take on important tasks.
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